Doubts about tomorrow..
Why bother looking forward to tomorrow when we do not know our fate then? We may just have a relapse of a terminal illness which no one, not even yourself, recognises that it exists within you. Or more likely, get run down by a vehicle while crossing the road to shop for some groceries. It is predestined. Only God has a say. Like one said, " a day lived, is a day earned/gained." We should be thankful for today, and not be hopeful for tomorrow..
The news had just reported about a heart complexity which leads to a sudden seizure and if it's not being resuscitated within 15 mins, you're a goner. And the unfathomable fact is that it isn't caused by the commonly used term, " clogged artery" which leads to a heart attack, but other factors(of which I do not know, I just know that it's called SCD or sth). It has already claimed many lives and on the average, 1 person will die from this illness everyday. Anyone aged between 18yrs and above can qualify.
Argh fuck it. Don't know why the sudden urge to write about such stuffs. Perhaps my time is near, cos' I've heard of this saying before: He who's dying, knows that he is.
Anyway just finished maths tuition at 12 am. Feel like a zombie now.