I've been doing so much writing at work that i feel like i'm the senior editor of Food Republic & DTF. Ever since i did my first writeup of Food Opera on the last page of the Food republic booklet, it has always been "Roy, you can really write well.. can you do a writeup for this?" or "for that, and this?" and "oh for this and this and that and that too?" I'm like a copywriting machine churning out press releases after press releases... articles after articles.. I've got so much to write that I had to bring them back to do for the past 2 weeks.
Here's what I had to write for these 2 weeks: individual writeups for the media clipping boards of 26 tenants (of food opera), individual descriptions of 5 sculptures that will be engraved on gold plaques at Food Opera (I had to fabricate stories behind the sculptures can you believe it!), 4 writeups for 4 different kinds of cuisines (Chinese, Malay, Indian, Eurasian), 4 paragraphs of "The Evolution of Street Hawkers" (Early 1900s, mid 19th Century, Late 1900s, Modern Day) - all of which are to be placed in frames with illustrations at Food Opera, and a warning letter to an existing tenant for defaulting our service standards.
For a moment, I thought I was interning at sph.
Food Opera will be officially opening its doors on the 21st of July (next tues). Be sure to read the articles on the walls as well as the descriptions of the sculptures cos' they were all written by me. Hah