And so my marketing efforts had paid off. Just take a look at the registration list and you'll know.. there were around 90 people who came down to our tennis booth to register.
On a side note, I was involved in a minor accident along holland road today. I accidentally hit the rear of an old toyota cos the driver (an old man) didn't dare to drive out of the filter lane due to a menacing oncoming bus. Upon seeing the bus, he started accelerating but decided to brake after a few secs. And so, seeing that he had decided to go ahead and beat the bus to it, I released my brakes and kept my eyes focused on the bus, trying to beat the bus too. But that was when I bumped the ass of his toyota. Seriously old man, pump up your guts. You put our gender to shame.
Ok it wasn't a big deal cos both our cars'd only incurred a minor dent that aren't visible from afar; but i had to compensate him cos' by law i was the one who'd hit him from behind. Fucking hell.