Saturday, June 19, 2004

Spick 'n' Span

Yesterday was a rather uninteresting day. Was snapped out from my slumberland by the exuberant "goodness" of the fireball which hanged loosely in the vast blue sky. As if mimicking the stars in the dark, a spot of gleam, shooting radiant rays of light into the earth; causing me to feel a sense of uneasiness as the clash of cold and hot air landed upon my shell.

"Argh!", I snorted.

I then woke up, using much force to lift up the heavy eyelids. Rays of the sun struck my eyes similar to a raindrop hitting the surface of a window. The bed, an object depicting comfort, had gradually evolved into a revolting sun's nest.

The creaking of the stainless steel ladders double-glazed the layer of discomfort to a higher level. The renovators had arrived. Time to set my room free from my grasp.

Prior to the dismissal of the renovators, I sneaked a short nap on the fluffy sofa that sat in the living room. Lumps of grey wool which carried a few strands of hair decorated the tiled-floor.The room was infested with saw dust and dirt.

I groped around for the mouse hidden beneath the thin layers of newspapers and realised that my palm had turned to a dirty grey-black. This marked the beginning of my room-cleaning task. A wet towel was all I had to ensure the cleanliness of the table tops and the ornaments. This wasted like an hour of my life and a further hour for sweeping and mopping the floor, and shifting I even rearranged the computer system and tied the wires together.

A total of 3 hours, I had spent on tidying and cleaning up my room. "Spick and span" was all I aimed for and I could confidently announce that I had hit a bull's eye on my target.

Results of the renovation yesterday:
1)Installed a new television in my room
2)Working lights
3)Installed a noticeboard
4)Added more powerpoints

*Hope the blinds for the windows can be added as soon as possible so that I can sleep to my heart's content in the morning.

Mood: Bored